It was reported by the Vice-Governor Sergey Altukhov at the press conference in Krasnodar dedicated to the preliminary investment results of 2016 in the region.
The Deputy Head of the region emphasized that since the beginning of this year the number of large investment projects worth more than 100 million rubles implemented by private companies has grown from 202 up to 307. The growth rate made more than 157% as compared to the year 2015.
Sergey Altukhov accentuated that this proves in a most demonstrative manner that the region chose the right policy aimed at improving the investment climate. A new package of preferences for investors initiated by the Governor of the region Veniamin Kondratyev significantly contributed to the growth of the above indicators.
– And, eventually, the investments to the real sector of economy have grown by more than 15% this year, - noted Sergey Altukhov.
The Deputy Head of the region also reminded that this year Kuban reinstated its seventh position in the Russian investment attractiveness rating conducted by the Strategic Initiative Agency. While a wide array of the regions that were inside the top ten could not retain their positions.
Summarizing the results of nine months of 2016, a total of 255.2 billion rubles were invested into the economy of Krasnodar region. According to the official statistics data, as compared to the past year the growth rate made 71.2%, as reported by the Press-Service of the regional administration.
To this end, Sergey Altukhov pointed out that the structural analysis of the investment activity in the region over the recent year showed that the business operations of two large companies – "Rosneft" and "Gasprom", that suspended the implementation of two mega-projects in Krasnodar region, primarily influenced a certain drop in the investment amounts.
At the same time, the investment dynamics calculations, without regard to mega-projects of the above companies, show that the investment growth rate on large and medium enterprises is estimated at 114% in Krasnodar region following the results of nine months. Moreover, the growth trend has been evident for three consecutive quarters.
The year 2016 heralded the investment growth rate in the leading industries of economy. Thus, in agricultural sector since the beginning of the year the investment volume has grown 1.2 times, in the health resort sector – 2.2 times and in the production sector – 2.6 times. Moreover, this year the positive dynamics of investments over nine months of 2016 is registered in more than 70% of the municipal formation of the region.
– Definitely, in 2017 we will pursue improving the investment climate, inter alia, at legislative level. Now, in the context of competition among the regionsit is critical to preserve leadership in terms of comfortability of the investment climate, - summarized Sergey Altukhov.
Source - Investment portal of Krasnodar region