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The International Investment Forum ‘Sochi-2015’ Is Postponed to Early October

This was announced at today’s meeting of the organizing committee of the Forum ‘Sochi-2015’, which was held at the Olympic Park.

The meeting was chaired by the Deputy Prime Minister of the country Dmitriy Kozak. It was attended by Acting Governor of the Krasnodar region Veniamin Kondratyev. As the press service of the Administration (Governor) of the Krasnodar region reports, the Forum will be held a week before the competition ‘Formula 1’.

As the Acting Governor of the Krasnodar region Veniamin Kondratyev answered: "For us, it is crucial that this Forum be held at the highest level. I emphasize that our Municipal Formations have been already ready to present their projects. They are as anybody interested to show their potential. And we have the most powerful potential".

It is to be recalled that the International Investment Forum ‘Sochi’ is a modern platform for constructive dialogue between business and government created with the support of the Russian government to address the issues of development of the world economy and its key trends, to discuss the prospects of investment and innovative future of our country, as well as to present large-scale investment projects of Russian regions. The Forum ‘Sochi-2014’ was attended by delegations and representatives of 80 Russian regions. This year’s forum will be held for the 14th time.

Source - Investment portal of Krasnodar region