The Swedish Institute of environmental research presented principles of handling municipal solid waste (MSW) to the Governor.
As Ronny Arnberg, representative of the Institute, told Veniamin Kondratyev, less than 1% of waste will be directed to the landfill site, while the remainder will come to recycling. For instance, an incineration plant in Stockholm is capable of accepting up to 1mln tons of waste per year. One third of waste is recycled into power energy, the bigger part – into heat consumed by residents of the city and enterprises.
The production has been established and operating on the basis of a public-private partnership: 51% owned by municipality and 49% owned by business.
According to Veniamin Kondratyev, such principle of operation can be applied in Kuban. The Governor emphasized that in parallel with implementation of new technologies it is necessary to carry out an extensive informational, educational campaign.
– Sweden has been advancing towards a clean country for approximately 30 years. Since kindergarten period kids here are taught to treat waste adequately. We should also start this process, however, we need to pass it in a faster way, - noted the Governor.