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At the forum "Sochi-2016" Krasnodar region concluded 250 agreements for a total amount of 761 billion rubles

Veniamin Kondratyev summarized the International Investment Forum in course of the expanded plenary session that took place in the regional capital through a videoconference.

According to all estimations, the events and cultural program of the forum were organized at high level, - as emphasized the Governor at the beginning of the meeting. The International Investment Forum was attended by 4 thousand people out of 43 countries across the globe; Krasnodar region concluded 250 agreements; the planned volume of investments into the region’s economy made 761 billion rubles.

– This year the region and the municipalities signed less agreements in terms of number, however, the aggregate value and significance of them is almost three times higher. This indicates the quality and thorough elaboration of the investment offers as well as the effect that is needed today, - as noted Veniamin Kondratyev.

Now, according to the Head of the region, one needs to organize work in such a manner that the concluded investment projects could have been implemented and could have provided certain jobs and taxes.

– It is critical to establish comfortable conditions for the investors. Let’s do in such a manner that all the things signed be actualized, and let’s start the work over new projects, business sources, and then by the next Forum we will prepared more efficiently, - as added the Governor by accentuating that it’s high time now to start preparing for the upcoming International Investment Forum-2017.

Press-Service of the Administration of Krasnodar region

Source - Investment portal of Krasnodar region